At the end of October we drove up to South Lake Tahoe to take a look at the gallery space for our upcoming show at Cosmic Creations. We measured the wall space and started coming up with a game plan for a series to fill the space with fresh work. Just being in Tahoe started changing the way we thought about ideas. The snow covered ground, the rich warm browns of the trees and crisp cool blue waters began filling our heads with inspiration. A blue jay flew down from the sky and landed next to us and we both felt our surroundings begin to open up our minds to countless possibilities.
We drove towards Reno that day taking pictures along the way and discussing what themes would be incorporated into the series. Once we got back to San Francisco we feverishly began working on huge ambitious paintings as well as a bunch of smaller pieces under the pressure of our deadline. Forests with wolves, winter pieces with subtle geometric intricacies and surrealistic panoramic lake scenes. We've been working night and day to create a substantial body of work in such a short amount of time.
As the temperatures dropped and we became filled with anticipation, Winter's icy breathe began to blow the sails of inspiration...
The Welch Brothers "Moonshine" 2013 |
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